First of all what I did was a great mistake buying this Iphone 5s. It feels good just because I own an Iphone and everyone stares at me. But to be frank I am mentally not happy at all because I cannot do anything . I heard the camera quality is good but here what I found is that the quality is not at all satisfactory and appears to be like an oil painting. Camera focus is satisfactory and the sound quality is just fine. Design is what Iphone looks like. The main disadvantage of this Iphone is that the battery. It takes 1 and half hours to fully drain the battery. I mean who wants to take such Iphone if there is no battery backup. The price is too high for its functionality. You cannot receive/send anything to/from other Operating System like Android. The touch sensor is somewhat slow in comparison to Iphone 6 and above. The size is also small in size. Though it supports 4G yet the browsing speed apears to be somewhat slow.
Overall you can buy this Iphone model just because it is an Iphone and nothing else.