I did used iphone 5s for 6 month and review my personal experience I felt like it is not that worth.
User Interface: Apple interface is not user friendly you will find it diffcult to use on initial basis.
Delicate: Iphone 5s is very delicate phone you have to be careful while handling it.If any chance it falls down it will surely give you problem like screen breaking or network issue
Restricted: if youre using apple iphone 5s then youre restricted to use many feature and application.Everytime you have to pay for using application.Even if you want to download Song or movie you will have to pay for it.
Memory: Iphone 5s comes with very limited memory and if you youre using its 16GB version it becomes worse due to its operating system requires 4GB of memory so you got left with only 12GB
Operating System : Iphone 5s is not compitable with latest iOS update.I will recommend not to update your phone to iOS 10 because it keeps on hanging a lot