Iphone 5s Is very high priced phone in the market.
But Because Of the Brand name spreaded every where which attracts me to buy this phone.
The back camera is 8Mp with dual flash and front is of 1.2 Mp( not so good for Selfies).
RAM is only 1Gb, which is come with 5000 rs phones and procesdor is 1.3 GHz comes a low budget phone.Internal storage is 16 Gb and No Memory Slot to expand the storage.No Radio.
Cant Transfer any files to other phones through Blutooth.There are many things irritate me after buying this phone.The main thing is the half eated apple sign which Comes in my dreams and take me to the store to buy it.
After taking a big decision, I made a deal with my father to get good marks in my exams, Then I got permisSion to buy this phone.After getting this phone I was feeling that it was a bad decision of mine to take this phone.No such special features are in this phone.