Hello friends, I am sharing my views about the apple iPhone 6 Plus. I own this phone few days before and this is my first switch to ios from android. Really a big difference to be seen. Android phones always start laging after some time but I didnt face any problem yet with this. I will use this phone for some weeks and hope that it doesnt get any lag. By the way according to current performance of this phone it is really awesome in screen quality, battery backup, slim, good looking and also great in other features. I used to play heavy games in phone and the games are running super smooth without any lag. And for my regular day to day usage it is very great smartphone. I need a one time charge in a day and 20 to 30% battery left at evening. But I was a android user I face some difficulty with my first iPhone because it have some limitations for example We can share videos, songs, games etc with every device and also we cant customised its looking like in android we can use launcher but we cant use any launcher in it. At last I want to say that this phone is great to use but if you are a android user you will face some difficulty first time. But I love this phone