This is iphone 6.Which from Apple company.In world most of the personal computars and phones are revoulitied by Apple.So this is a parsonal phone.After launce of iphone 6 it was the letest verson of phone of all phone in market.About this phone I can say that it is the best phone of all. It is best because it has so many facylites that other phone hasnt. Like its camera is very sencebal, it is too fast, its battry life is so long that other phone hasnt. But it has a problam that you can not shear any music and app with android. Because iphone 6 is a ios device. And ios devices apps are not support in androd device. But dont worry about it. By installing an app you can shear music, videos and photos. I feel comfort when I use it. I spend 3 day without giving any charg. If you use this iphone 6. You will belive me.