Although Iphone 6, the most expensive phone but not a waterproof one.
Purchased a phone Iphone 6, almost six months back, after using for five months verical lines started apearing on the screen & problem in front camera . Looking after the problems visited the Authorised Service Providers B2X Service Solutions, Wazirpur Delhi. After waiting for 90 minutes for the turn There service technicians told us that the set was in contact with water therefore the warranty stands cancelled. To get the the services demanded another?25000/-
What is water contact? the service providers are unable to explain. Spoken to Apple company representatives in India who in returned asked to visit B2X Solu. & gave me the complaint numbers for follow up .
On reaching the service provider again convyed to company reps. the same thing about liquid contacts . Thereafter co. Rep. replied again the same thing as per them sweat is also water, while holding maybe it has spoiled the phone. On asking, from The co. reps the cost of paid service they flatly told its Auth service providers who will tell.
Received emails from co. regarding complaints nymbers, but till date no satisfactory reply & keeping dead iphone as a sovenior.
What is the use of buying such an expensive phone which is not resistant to liquids( water) . I have spoiled my money as well phone .
As company says they have litmus papers inside which turns red with liquid contents.
Being a layman how many of us know about these litmus papers or if any of the dealers tell us while selling the iphones about liquid warranty. Its big Noooo
My personal experience to use iphone. we should hold it with hankercheifs so that the liquid content i.e. sweat dont enter in . What Apple can do to make it water resistent.