I love to use this product, in fact I am falling in love with it. Its sound quality is very clear and nice. One can clearly hear what the caller is trying to say. It is even very good in listening to music. It is very easy to use and is easily accessible. There are no lagging problems in this product and I heartily thank the developers for this. The touch screen is very fast and the censors of this product work very nicely. One can click numerous photos in a short period of time. It looks little bit different from the older versions but is good and very slim. It has very less varieties of colors available. Its design is very nice and its theme is sober. It can be operated easily even by differently abled people. Jet black is its best color. It has a variety of features available:-
Siri which does the work as we order
Its camera is exclusive. Very excellent clarity is there and video clarity is also good.
Its storage is 32 GB and can even be increased.
Its battery life is also very improved.
It has icloud for taking instant backup.
It is water resistant and unbreakable.
This product is very secured, reliable and durable too. One can set his finger print as password. It also provides warranty to the buyers. Its is extremely reliable and almost resistant to water and is tough. It is expensive but, it is worth buying it due to its wide variety of features, sound reception, style and design, reliability and durability.