NOTE: This review is addressed to that class of people for whom Rs.60000-70000 smartphone is once in five years thing.
Before you judge the rating which I have given and draw conclusions, I just want to let people who read this review realize that I am after technology with some innovation and out of the box concept as I never use a smartphone beyond 12 months. In this process, I literally used every high-end smartphone that was launched after iPhone 3G ( my first hold of a smartphone) , be it xperia, blackberry, samsung, nexus, HTC, what not!
Now, coming to the point of fake ratings. I am a bit surprised to see so many negative reviews for an iPhone 7 on Amazon. KINDLY SEE FLIPKART, without the product even launched on their site, there are 864 ratings and as much as 4.9 stars out of 5 and not a single review ( I am enclosing a pic for your reference) . So, there is something which doesnt catch our eye. But these are the lame tricks that get played when you go neck to neck in competition, it applies to either side.
Undoubtedly, I give huge credit to Apple for introducing smartphone concept and in the process they slowly killed the once mighty Blackberry. Like Thomas Edison, credit goes to Apple for inventing such a masterpiece. But we are still not using the same bulb which Edison has invented. There are so many companies which are reinventing bulbs every year. Apple followed it up for few years with some changes in iPhone to keep the customer base solid. There is so much hype created over every Apple launch and in the process, the adversaries tried to copy the launch styles of Apple. So, they clearly have the margin. But, they are surely lagging behind in terms of innovation. This year iPhone 7 is one thats a perfect example.
Watched the launch event so closely, like I always do every year. I was using an iPhone 6 and was waiting for 7 ( I have had an occasion to handle and experience both iPhone 7 and 7 plus even before they were launched in India) . And finally ended up with Galaxy S7 Edge for a reason ( BEFORE COMMENTING, RE-READ WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN IN THE FIRST TWO PARAGRAPHS OF MY REVIEW) . I opted for S7 Edge for its curvy screen design with brilliant colours and the camera which beats the iPhone The dual camera on iPhone 7 plus is not new to the world before its launch. Secondly, they have their eyes set for the 10th Annniversary of iPhone in 2017 and are holding their cards till then. Both iOS and Android have their own pros and cons. This is the area which I am carefully and deliberately side lining and focusing on the phone.
This year launch of iPhone 7 is only for those geeks, unlike me, who actually stick to iPhone for life and for whom the price tag is just a symbol to flaunt. Honestly, as most of the Apple users agree, what matters is the design of the phone. If I see a person standing about 5 feet away from me with an iPhone 7 ( not plus) and me holding my iPhone 6, a third person will obviously think we are using the same phone ( not talking about brand) . So, if I were to shell Rs.60000 for a phone which retains the same design crafted with precision for three straight years, I better buy a device which satisfies me with its looks and performs as closely as an iPhone but loses the battle. And with Rs.20000 cheaper. I put my chips in there. Unless you have to run tasks which need some significant power like Games, its not worth an upgrade or a first time buy.l
I would request people to just think a bit before investing your hard earned money to go for iPhone 7. Join the line in which I am standing for the revolutionary design of an iPhone 8 in 2017. Because, thats when Apple is gonna show again to the world that they are masters of innovation.
All the best