Instrument in our fantasy
Top Management of our company got the fever of the wondeful instrument for quite long but alas we never got the nod from Big Brothers of US. Anyways, that doesnot stop us from inviting multiple vendors to check out the features and closing cheapest deal. During the last six months, we were enriched by the power packed presentation by four vendors. Now that, we dont own an iPhone but atleast could guide others who can afford to buy the instrument. Ofcourse, one among the vendors gracefully handed over an instrument for us to use for a month and five of us rotated it among ourselves and got used to it.
iPhone consumed minimum 30 minutes of our discussion in all Senior Management Team meeting. At the end of the day, Hermit, the Sage who dont find any difference between CDMA and GSM was also forced to understand and appreciate this wonderful instrument. Here is a brief account of the same. I am indebted to Karan Gour for his excellent presentation on the iPhone.
Status Symbol
Ofcourse, the owner of an iPhone gain a bit more attention in the crowd (not applicable for those who are least bothered about public attention). Especially, the upgraded iPhone 3G, loaded with 16 GB memory with wide variety of features will keep you engaged in those long hours where you have to wait for a delayed flight. From a corporate point of view - we can boast , "Yeah, our organisation believe in offering the best instrument for Top Management and we are sensitive to the glamour quotient"
Note - Personally, I am not convinced with this paragraph, but I am just presenting the collective opinion of my colleagues.
"Design Maketh Apple".
With its epidermis of glass and steel, this wonderful instrument comes in shade of black. Once when the instrument is switched on, it calls for focussed attention. If an instrument is made so sexy, Apple need to foucs their research to find a cure to be rid of the finger prints that blotch the screen. It has got the beauty and elegance of the legendary alchemical tool.
Touchscreen is something that created euphoria among the users. The innovative feature ensure a new interaction scheme with the ability to push pictures aside with your fingers sliding on the screen or zooming in by running two fingers in opposite directions across the screen.
The combination of touchscreen and accelerometer gave birth to many games and applications.
Accelerometer is used to let the device know about the acceleration and gravity induced forces acting upon the instrument. Inshort, accelerometer aid the instrument with signals based on which the instrument choose to control an application.
Eg -
a)The flipping of an image from landscape to protrait if you rotate the device by 90 degrees is done by virtue of accelerometer
b) The bowling game - allows you to swing your arm just like you are bowling and here you see a cricket ball on your hand and not a mobile phone (make it sure that you control your excitement so that you dont throw away this delicate darling)
Connectivity Certain areas in our office got Wi-Fi connectivity and iPhone got faster access to the network compared to the AirTel Blackberry service which we are using as of now.
Sound Quality - Those who are indulged in multi level conferencing using mobile phone / Skype, iPhone will definitely provide excellent sound clarity. I tried it out twice and was convinced with the quality of reception
Lets have some music - If you click the iPod icon on the bottom right corner of the instrument, that will lead you to an exciting world of the graphical version of iPod. You will feel like "Alice in the wonderland". iPod being another Apple Product, will continue to enthral your attention. They are of the best sounding media players.
Spoiler alerts
If you got fat finger, definitely you are going to struggle with the volume slider.
External speakers lack bass but will make it up for it in crystal clear higher frequencies. Inshort,
"Tears in Heaven" will definitely make you cry due to the poor quality but "Beautiful Day" will make you run through the runway out of excitement. Those who are not serious about sound clarity - lucky souls, you wont get to know any difference
Inshort, those who are happy with making calls, receiving calls and sending / receiving sms - iPhone is a luxury. There is no need to go ahead with this instrument.
iPhone wins hands down when it comes to interactivity, sound and video quality.
The fluidity in its movement, the sound it can conjure through earphones / speakers shows Apples integrity towards a portable world.
Apple dont come up with gimmicks but they deliver without noise.
No need to tell, this is a fragile and delicate darling. Do handle with care. If so, she is going to be with you for a longer period. Hope, I may get one soon but I dont have any idea to spend money to own her.