This review of mine comes after a long time. My first review on Mouthshut was of the Apple Macbook. That I wrote quiet some time back.
Ok, lets get back to the point, This review is about my experience of the Apple Iphone that I have been using for over a year now. I am pretty happy with the device. This happens to be my 3rd Apple Product (Needless to say I am a Apple FAN!!!!!!)
I purchased this last year, had a friend get it for me from the US. I paid a whole lot less than what the people here were selling for. Its the iphone Gen1. The build is sturdy, it fell off my hand numerous times and I pick it up and it works!!!!! Never had a glitch in terms of the functionality. It has some really nice features, Not as much as the 3G or 3GS models though. I didnt feel like upgrading it with the 3G or the 3GS models, as I feel India is yet to see full feldged 3G services at reasonable prices. (Thats just my opinion of not getting the latest device).
The OS (2.21 is what I had on the ph earlier) 3.1.2 is what I have on the iphone, It is a little sluggish than 2.21. OS 3.1.2 is a battery guzzler. (I had just seen a keynote today that OS 4 is ready and will be available in a few months, and is already available for the developers). OS 2.21 was really nice, it was fast, and supported almost all the apps, until OS 3 was launched. The Phone has a really neat adapter to charge the battery, and comes with earphones as well, which are decent (Though I use bose earplugs). I like the sound quality of the music off it. My only concern was the speakerphone, its not as loud as one would like it to be.
Overall its a great little phone, with touch screen which is really great, the gui (Graphical user interface) is nice and fast. I would like to mention that Wifi on the iphone works great. I have a Wifi router at home, my internet connection is 1MBPS, I get download speeds of over 50 kbps, even though it is less compared to what I get on my macbook, its still good for a mobile device.
iphone has one issue that I have observed, When talking to someone over the phone, the screen tends to kiss your cheeks, due to its sheer size and it turn it gets all the moisture off your cheeks onto the screen, and being a touch screen phone, that makes the sensors not to work until you really clean up all the moisture/sweat off the phone and let it dry for a few secs. That might cost you money, as you cannot disconnect calls once done. Apps work flawlessly, and some great apps to mention are, metronome, Guitar, KB, Piano, flute, YouTube, recorder (I love music and play guitar hence these apps find place on my iphone) ebooks, etc
Hope this info helps, I shall write more on the iphone in a few. You guys would see me soon here posting more stuff. Thanks for your time in reading this.