Well for so long . I was trying to find a smart phone which is really smart and a real value for money.
I have constantly thinking about what to go for and what not to go for. I than decided that I must go for a phone with some decent price and really good looking. I had many options ranging from an O2 to Nokia N series phones. Than that day I was downloading podcasts for my iPod . well not my but a friend’s and I was trying different things with it. Initially, I started with my tests on iTunes. Well I didnt like iTunes much but yes . I was able to find some decent podcasts using the iTunes interface.
Then I found a podcast . this years(2007) Mac World Conference. Well a huge file; earlier I was reluctant to download it. but yes now I know, every second of it is worth.
I was listening to Steve and …hmm… each word of his presentation was resonating in my mind. The way iPhone was introduced, I still cannot forget it. I love the way he started out killing slowly already existing smart phones & making his point clear. What you are buying right now is no good for the price you are paying. And after so many days I still believe this. Though yet to be released, but I believe iPhone is worth every Dollar spent on it(err… I am not talking about the rupee yet as I don’t know what pricing would it be in India for. But a direct conversion still makes it cheaper from many other phones).
Take it from Brands perspective or performance or how smart your phone can get and think about forever upgradable options . all part of the software which can be upgraded/updated/changed without having to rebuild the phone. Think about the possibilities . limitless.
Now as recently announced by apple, they would make the development framework available for iPhone, which would facilitate making application for the phone by a user. Many more tools/software/games all for the iPhone! The possibilities are huge and we can just go beyond what Apple itself is offering.
Only restriction/caution would be, how would iPhone cope up with viruses? How can apple make sure this phone remains virus free?
Still, I believe iPhone is just a start. Someone somewhere is still thinking of cracking new codes and new possibilities of the phone which are much more than we have seen or heard now. But till then . iPhone is the GOD of phones and I am sure no one would disagree to this.