This review is for those people who havent received the message from vodaphone as yet or who havent had your boss call you in the morning, an laugh at you face. Finally the price is out on the phone that is considered to be the apple in the phone industry(no pun intended) , so what is it ?
Is it 22k? is it 18k? or is it the price, that we all hopefully dreamt it would be like little girls all week, 8k? take a deep breath wash your hands and get ready to slap yourself, cause the price is 31000 for the 8Gb and 36100 for the 16Gb ....
Now that you back from cursing out aloud , breaking the TV and slapping your younger brother! you must be wondering would anyone pay this much for the phone? Yes if your name is Ambani for average joes or rajas(whichever is the more common name in your area) No! why would i, at that price, it does not have bluetooth transfer, it only has a 2 megapixel camera which now days come standard fitted in your toilet flush, it does not have video recording, you cant change sim cards unless you crack it and wait for it......
Yes it does not have 3G service as it is not released in India and will not until next year. and please dont let this stop you from buying the phone, after all inflation is at its highest in the country we all need to contribute one way or the other, as for me my good ol N95(and no I dont work for nokia, have you seen the people who they have to put up with)will keep me company for a bit longer I guess, and for all those people who told their girlfriends and wifes , "ill buy you the I phone as soon as its out" please visit the china market there is a E-phone available, theyll never know the difference :-).