A B I G N O t o I p h o n e for this price tag!
I read a lot about new 3G iphone. I was planning to buy one, got it demolished when I got to know about the price(Rs. 31000/-), thinking Apple want to prevent it from becoming another Nokia in India, putting beyond reach of middle class Indian whether they need this much money to make this phone or not. I was ready to trade-off its negatives to its look & feel, but at this price-tag! No way. The negatives can not be ignored as the most common features iphones cant provide are available in even low range phones such as forwarding SMS, sending SMS to multiple recipients, video recording, cut-paste, FM, Bluetooth transfer & many more correct me if Im wrong, thx.
Apple should think about its monopolistic view in India as we Indians cant compromise with our freedom, such as changing SIM, bluetooth transfer.