Bought the 8gb handset for 18k from a person who got it from USA. For me(hardcore Nokia lover -when it comes to "easy to use mobile", nobody can beat them!) it was the looks of phone which made me want it.Unlocking and software can be done at many places in gaffar market, palika bazar, even at mobile shops!Initially it was frustating as the touchpad is so sensitive, accidental touch would call up wrong people on contacts, spelling mistake in sms etc etc.
Other hiccups:sometimes gets hanged-u have to swtich it off and rerun, speaker volume is not great, storing a phone number while speaking is not possible, biggest disadvantage-not being able to forward a sms or group smsing, have to look really hard at screen specially in car on bumpy roads to sms properly, no video clip recordings, cant go "back" on previous screen, average battery time.
Positives:awesome screen, stylish looks, great memory for contacts, music, movies, decent camera-one can change image size by finger n thumb or rotating the phone, web browsing n mail is easy to use
Tip:Use the apple wipes to keep screen clean from fingerprints or else use screen stick ons, apple leather pouch or local case to prevent back surface from getting scratched
Finally after few days am settling down with this handset n still discovering more.
Dr P M Sharma