The 20 GB Apple I-pod I saw in the shop looked to be one of the most enticing items I have seen. They didnt have one for sale so waiting for it too arrive by post was frustrating.
But once I had it, everything so far has been a delight. Easy to use, easy to make MP3, wonderful to look at, easy to carry, what more can I say!!!! Even the packaging it comes in is stylish.
Any complaints at all? Well, for a novice it is quite difficult getting to grips with the Music Match software and whilst it is easy to get music on to the I-pod, it is not so easy to copy it back to the PC. And it is quite easy to erase the entire I-pod if you get it to synchronise with the PC, when you have deleted all the MP3s from the PC hard drive. It restores a big empty nothing.
But, hey, thats probably down to my inexperience. Now, fore-warned is fore-armed, so I am slowly putting things onto the I-pod.
Well maybe not slowly. MP3s down load from PC to I-pod incredibly fast. 190 songs in less than five minutes. Individual CDs done in seconds.
What isnt so clear is that you have to create the MP3s from CD in the first place, which takes a bit longer, say upto 10 minutes for an album. No complaints as such, but maybe worth remembering that from CD to I-pod is a two stage process.
So, all in all, a gadget that I did not have to buy, but it looks irresistible and so far it performs that way too!!!