Hi there - once you get your hands on it - it will be difficult to take it off. The music quality is awesome, the headsets produce extremely good quality of music.
The only Issue is - it is difficult to locate a particular song once loaded. When you experience this task, and spend 1 1/2 hrs tying to find Gyatri Mantra while sitting at Starbucks in Fremont, you really are now ready to upgrade you IPOD and use this tiny baby for carrying files/data in your hidden pocket~ :)
I got it as a gift - all 1 GB of it. Really!!! I would not have bought it - I would have gone for Niño or something - but this little guy has kinda hung around my neck for a few days before sitting in the work table corner.
Kiddies looked at it and fooled around a bit - after all there are only a few buttons on it, listened in and then put it away. Said they did not like it and that it would damage the ears big~time, carried infection from ear to ear, asked me not to drive and listen at the same time and I dont know what they are teaching kids in schools now a days!!! I think they can write better reviews on MS than me. Faster response too.
Back to IPOD, the software that comes with it forces u 2 import all your songs into Itunes. This was not a problem with me, but others complain about it. Once itunes kicks in as soon as you stick this IPOD into USB [UBS2, backward compatible] of your dream machine, you no longer have access to the external drive. Oh yes, once you open itunes and set up IPOD music reserve space, you can use the remaining as a data storage area. Pretty Kwel, huh?
it comes in 2 models - based on storage space [I got a 1 GB - Lucky me??] and that is max available. It is worth buying the larger capacity IPOD (1 GB) - the size, weight, battery [recharges automatically once u stick it in USB Port] is the same for both the models. Comes in very neat colors.
The built in battery generally lasts over 4 hours. After that my ears were hurting, my starbucks prepaid card ran out and Avalon was fully serviced. Some other have said they can run it a longer - Good luck to them.
My opinion is - good to have it hanging around - but if you really have to spend all the greenbacks, buy something bigger and better. If u want 2 gift it - really neat idea.
Now, if you travel by Air and want to avoid next seat conversation, this is great tool.
Happy listening, all time music lovers.