My brother got the 8GB ipod touch from the United states, so heres my review on that. First Impression:the moment I saw the I touch, I thought, is it really worth all that money?? I mean this thing just has one physical button!
Then as we were traveling from the airport to back home, I simply browsed through the thing and I really liked the touch screen, it was pretty amazing, seemed Magical.. everything touchable through your fingers!
I put a song (Show me the meaning of being lonely) and put the ear buds that came with the ipod. I couldnt believe it! one of the reasons I hated ipods was because I thought they wouldnt be loud enough for me! I was wrong obviously, the quality of the sound was amazing too..i could barely hear anything, even the engine noise of the car!
Then I thought to go and explore some more, my bro had bought a video at itunes store, Ratatouille. So I played it, i thought is this really real?, its as if I was sitting in a theater and watching the movie in the huge was just amazing..
the most magical feature is that the touch screen is only activated through human fingers!i, e
one navigate through touch screen in an ipod touch, only through their fingers and not through pencil or pen! I guess this is done by sensing the heat on human fingers!
Audio: since I ipod is meant for music, the quality of the sound is obviously amazing, I tried later with my Sennheiser PX100, the sound was absolutely stunning.
Also volume slider, play back slider, pause, next track, prev track, buttons are on touch screens! Cover flow: this is one of the coolest of the cool, to your convenience, and to help organize your music collection..
For example if you have 6 songs and they are of same artist, and album, then if the picture of that album is associated with the song through itunes, then you can get that in your ipod to help you organize your collection. if you dont have album covers of your music, and if you want it you can get it from here
Audio formats: Apple the manufacturer of the ipod has created this proprietary format so that the songs might be put in the ipod more efficiently, its called AAC. Aac is surprisingly good, its a audio format similar to mp3 but yields wayy more quality even at low bitrates.
By the way I touch also supports mp3
Other features: I touch comes with graphic equalizer with presets like rock, pop, jazz to make your song sound best. It also comes with volume management which reduces the volume, if it reaches a threshold, there by avoiding distortion, its truly helpful.
plyalists:In playlists it has a feature called On the go where you can specify specific music to be put to your playlist so that they can be played order of your choice.
Video:this is one of the most attractive features of itouch, compared with other ipods that are also capable of playing video like NANO, or classic, whose screens are not as big as I touch.
The one thing that it can make video viewing a distinct experience is that it supports very high resolutions, 640/480 and even 720/576, which make video viewing a pleasure.. Unfortunately apple hasnt released any software that actually converts dvd or any other formats into H.264(ipod video format) one has to go for 3rd party software..
Photos:its possible to also put photos in to itouch, jpeg mostly.The most useful feature is that when the itouch is moved physically for example horizontal, the image also resize horizontally, the cool motion detector makes it.
More:other than the above features it comes with safari, apples own Internet browser to browse the internet. Also comes with wifi transceiver there by it can connect to the internet calender is also very interactive its also very useful comes with simple but extremely interactive calculator. Direct access to YouTube! and also lets your save videos in your ipod.
I have seen some of very interactive games videos in youtube but havent really tried them. itunes: this is the software apple gives, to manage your ipod, to put video, audio photo. Upon buying your ipod you have to connect it to your pc and turn on itunes, and after authentication from apple, youll be able to use it.
Is a little tricky at first but youll get the hang of it. Also let you convert any other audio format in to AAC..One can also access itunes store to purchase music
Touch screen
Huge screen for high quality video(support for higher resolution)
High quality audio reproduction,
Support for mp3 format
AAC format support.
Ease of buying music at itunes store
Long battery life runs 12 hours of playing music.
And if you reduce the brightness, when you notice the power is about to be exhausted, it can help conserve energy
The main disadvantage I found was that every time I have to put a new music its not done through windows explorer, copy paste way! It has to be through itunes. And worse part is that you have to have all the music files contained in the ipod, also in your computer(itunes), if by any chance the music isnt in your pc(Itunes) and if its synchronized the music gets deleted in the itouch also.
And if you found some nice music in your buddys house and wanted to put it to your itouch, you cant do it in his pc!, unless you delete all your existing music! and video Itunes doesnt provide a way to convert the videos so they may be put to the ipod, one has to find a 3rd party converter. ive found a free converter heres the link
Itouch can only be charged through a pc by default, they dont give you a power adapter to charge through power out let, however you can buy the same for about 500 RS. itunes music store : through itunes store music can be purchased at 0.99$, but the music is copy protected it cannot be played on another computer other than where it was purchased, it is possible to gain the license and stuff but its really cumbersome.This service isnt currently available in India.
I touch is awesome from playback and usability aspects, but the capacity is very less, the highest available capacity is 32GB, which nearly isnt enough if you plan to put many videos. Jailbreak?:this is the feature I heard from one of my friends, which supposedly frees ipod from clutches of apple and gives you the control, i, e you can put many third party softwares to your ipod, copy the music through explorer, install third party games and have all the other features of iphone.. I am not really sure abt this, havent really tried it either but sounds promising. the video of jailbreaking is availble at youtube.
Conclusion:itouch is surely an amazing little gadget, it has its disadvantages but not to the level where it can be ignored.. it can truly be your company while traveling, waiting or in any other time which might suit you! Buy a good pair of headphones and youre ready to rock!
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