This product represents an insult to every consumer in Apples market area. By trundling out a "computer" thats so hopelessly crippled like this, Apple is testing the stupidity of the marketplace. The question is whether youll call their bluff, or vote for a huge step backward with your money.
Actually, this isnt even a step backward, because never(as far as I can remember) has there been a computer so hampered by egregious design decisions.
The primary flaw with the MacBook, of course, is its near-total lack of ports. This thing has one port, and its tired old USB. This decision is simply baffling, since Apple has championed the far more versatile and modern Thunderbolt standard. If youre going to put only one port on a machine, why wouldnt it be the one that can carry USB, video, raw data, and network traffic all at once? And be daisy-chained, so numerous devices can be connected to your one port? Thats THUNDERBOLT. And its inexcusably missing from the MacBook.
Sleek ultraportable 12-inch laptop weighing just 920g
Impressive Retina Display
Improved battery life and GPU performance
Few upgrade or repair options
Limited connectivity