Just thought I’ll share my experience of buying a Macbookand I’m absolutely in love with it. I have just taken admission to an MBAcourse at WLC and wanted to buy a laptop that will help me through. I had myeyes on an apple machine but didn’t bother to do too much research consideringthe price. Then some friends let me know that Apple was currently offeringstudent discounts on its macbooks and sent me this link https://apple.com/in/students/
In terms of quality there is nothing to match an Apple andsince it is a hardy machine and would last me longer than most other laptops, Idecided to invest the extra cost and go for it. With a nearly 10% discount Ipicked up my macbook over the counter.
I did not realize that apple precharged my macbooks battery …and soon 7 hours had passed! It apparently came with an 8 hour battery backup!so I don’t have to worry each time the power would go off or if a power port isunavailable in the classroom. The best thing about my macbook is that the keypad glows in the dar!. The machine is also light and weighs a little under 3kilos, I choose the 2.4Ghz processor, the 17 inch screen is great for itsclarity and I love the sound. Unlike most other laptops it does not hang orslow down when many windows are opened and the aluminum finish looks sleek andthe intergrated camera is soooo cool! The MacBook Pro is the envy of all myfriends and I can’t wait for the first day of college.