Ive been using my Macbook for more than 2 years now. I got a black Macbook from Anything Mac in Yusuf Sarai the day it was launched in India. It looked pretty, OS was a welcome change from windows. But ive my own gripes about it. It gets pretty hot and I can never keep it straight on my lap.
This has never been an issue with any of the windows laptop. I can never figure out whats the big deal about booting time. If it boots in 20 sec instead of a minute for windows..so what? I was in bangalore for 2 months and forgot to get my applecare protection plan after 1 year of purchasing. Also, I got no reminders from the shop although they were supposed to do it.
Anyways , as they say if something can go wrong, it will. One day, suddenly there was a discoloration in about a quarter of my screen. I took it to anything mac. They couldnt do anything about it and told me to get the screen replaced .I decided to live with it. Then,
My hard disk suddenly crashed. No warnings, nothing, it just stopped functioning. Did I tell u that the mac people will want your purse even before they touch your laptops. Thats exactly what happened. a crashed harddisk outside the warranty can make you cry if you take it to a mac shop. The prices they quote including service charges is not for the faint hearted. I got a harddisk from Nehru place and replaced it myself. Ive also got a thinkpad and a compaq and I like them way better than my macbook which is more of a decorative than a utility item. I will suggest to be practical and avoid using mac. Those are pretty things but the juice is not worth the squeeze.