I know the title should have read "Switching from PC to Mac" as the powerful ad campaign from Mac makes us believe it like that.Ok, before I say more, let me give a quick introduction. I have been using Desktops since 13 years and laptops since 7 years.
I am a typical man with more than average liking for gadgets and you can see me drooling outside an electronic store at times;)Luckily I have been fortunate enough not to spend a fortune on my Laptops, as the company I work for takes care of my laptop needs from time to time.They even went to the extent of getting me a Dell XPS M1330 recently and boy I was very happy.
But as new products keep coming up, my happiness started going down and my evil mind wanted more!! More than my company can offer.. And it so happened that I bought an iPhone the second apple product that I had after an iPod. iPhone is an amazing product and you can read more about in my reviews. I loved it so much and fell in love with Leopard OS implementation on iPhone.
Then they launched the new Macbooks and I told myself that I am worth it and spent hard earned 1500 Euro on a new Macbook.Boy, the laptop is an absolute dream!! Magnetic power connector, mutlitouch, LED LCD and super slick Leopard OS!!!!!
It is almost a sexual fantasy getting fulfilled in real world;)If you want to read more nice things about Macbook and Leopard OS, you can go to any fanboy sites and they will give you a feeling that if you are not part of Mac Revolution then you are a looser (which I almost believed for some time)Here I am going to tell you what went wrong and why I am selling my MacBook on eBay.
I use my laptop primarily for office usage, which means a lot of Outlook and MS Office, which are replicated in Mac environment with Entourage (equivalent of Outlook) and MSOffice 2008 for Mac.
They are good in general but not at all comparable to the Windows implementation. In Mac environment, every day is a challenge with a new compatibility issue. One example, when I use my iPhone to send a mail, the Sent mail does not get downloaded into Entourage into Sent folder but comes into Inbox in a strange machine only read way. I spent a day to realise that nothing could be done about it.
Even with the Instant Messengers the story is multifold compatibility pain. The familiar Page Up, Page Downs are no where on the keyboard and the font is a little weird all the time on all the applicationsI was getting to terms with myself to live with all these major incompatibilities and wanting to be a Cool Mac guy but then the hell broke loose.
I have developed RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) by using this multi-touch touchpad of mac which I thought I will fight with an external Mouse and got a Bluetooth Mouse.I was again trying to fall in love with Mac but the system started becoming slow, especially the Safari browser.
I checked few places, did some research and I found a way out but still the OS is slow and my right hand hurts when ever I use the trackpad..Is this really worth it?? Incompatible software, hand injuries, slow OS and browser.. Wait a minute I switched to Mac hoping that it will never get slowed like windows but in reality it does and it gives more problems too!!I am going to sell this on eBay and am happy to give away the cool mac guy image for my own reality!!
PS: Time Machine is really good in Leopard to backupPPS: Some people also like iLife but it is not a major life changer for me (on the other hand iPhone is the best mobile device for me)PPPS: I might be too harsh on Mac / Leopard but I only want to warn the wanna be Mac enthusiasts (like me) that, the Life with Mac is not really that cool as the Advertisement on Apple sitesI have also tried Windows 7 and I honestly believe that it is going to give Mac a run for its money I know I can install Windows on Macbook but if I want to do only that then I do not have to pay a premium price for Macbook when similarly specced machines are available at much lower prices.
One last example: I have been creating this review on Macbook and the new line spacing is getting lost all the time:(