Hello, this ia uttam and I m back with my new experice with aple watch series 4. Guys its just not a watch infect, apple claim it the most poluler samart watch in its segment.
Series 4 latest genration in its line. Apple added servel new feature in this . I this include ECG reading, fall detection, better display. It also has GPS ofcourse to track your running or walking with high acuracy.
Its water proof so you can wear it even you swiming.
If you ever use apple watch u can find some spactaculer changes. Now its display get 40mm egde display screen. The optical heart rate senser has only one led istead of four like previous vesrions. It suppots LTE network for make or recieve fon call or msgs
I have no issue with this watch. Thanx team apple. Gr8 gadget