Well, it is a tough job to be successful, right from your decision to go abroad, to your admission and then finally your VISA!
But, its not too bad if handled sensibly!
If you are planning to go for UK, well I must say you have made a good choice! because it might be a bit dear but the education and the way you become independent studying there would bring a drastic change in your life!
Well the following stuffs which I am writing down would probably be enough to guide you through till your flight to UK!
1.First of all , it shouldnt be that you just wanna leave your country so your planning for UK or your choice shouldnt be just influenced due to someone already staying in UK or studying there!You yourself should be quite sure that you will be all right staying there....Staying there even if nobody is to help because just for moment may be someone isnt there to help you out!
2.The people of UK are too co-operative so it isnt much of a bother...they are always willing to help out.
3.The Universities are large having all the things from shops to bars to your residence .
4.When you are starting for it, first of all be sure with what course you want to go for and a choose a course which you think UK universities can benefit you more than what it would be if you study in India.for eg:Research because they have great labs and equipments for that or may be MBA because you can get work experience while you are studying there!There is a guarantee that studies in UK will be far far better than that in India and you will learn a lot afar from studies so you have made the right choice baby!
- Now when choosing universities what you can do best is go into the search engines and just type universities in UK and search and youll basically get a list which provides you the different websites and you can choose the one which is providing you best information from that!Well, the following websites could help you out.
Now, you can get a list of universities from the following websites and you should basically be looking for universities which are mastering in the course you are looking for. Also, you should see the number of International students the University holds on an average per year.So that you get an exact idea about the stuff.
Well, now for application you will have to apply through an institution called UCAS for all the universities
You can contact UCAS through the following website
and start your application by filling the forms
UCAS makes your application procedure easier!
6.About the exams youll have to give to enter into a university....Well it actually depends upon the demand of the university but usually they ask for more than 50% marks in english and then the exams.You can get all the information through e-mails
The following is the address
Send in you inquiries and you will get your stuffs
the telephone no is +44(0)1242222444
7.You should visit the British Embassy and collect the information which could possibly help you out and you can also get answer to all your queries there!
The British Embassy is located in Mumbai....SO dont miss this!
8.Well, for admission when you select a particular University they have got all the information , what you can do is e-mail the counselling staff and order a prospectus to get the full view of the university.
The staff is very quick to respond and just makes it easier!
9.Well, choose a university in a city which has got good job opportunities so that you can keep on working along with studies because studying in UK is dear.I would suggest to get admission in the universities preferably in London, not only because its the most happening place but also because finding job is much much easier and you have loads of work experience which can add to your degree while you are in search for your job after your course is completed.Also while you are choosing your university in a city or a country, make sure the country has good demand for the course you have gone for so that in case you wanna be there after your studies its no hassles!
- The Visa procedure is not too strict in comparison to US so its not much of a problem because UK has 96% Visa success ratio.
11.Make sure you are financially strong because youll need it!
12.And yeah! if you are planning for your next year, concentrate on your studies and get around 70% because thats what they demand from Indians.
13.Do check if the city you have chosen is happening and has got good stuffs to do in leisure time and make sure you arent getting into a boring city because you might not like it.Also take into notice that for accomodation you should try to share your flat or whatever you have got so that you have a company and also you are saving money.
TAKE NOTE: I myself am applying for next year . I have been doing research on studying in UK since last three years now.Been to UK thrice and I been to the different universities in England.I am pretty sure for flying in this April. I have got a lot of information.If any queries , do not hesitate to mail me at masoom_@hotmail.com
Thank you,