Hey I am a very happy owner of Hyndai Santro Zing ZL Model. I have it since 2 yrs now. I was just surfing & came across this site. I remember having chcked these sites before selecting my baby. She is total value for money. Great driving pleasure & economy. Under 4 L its a steal.
For a small family its a perfect car. Hyndai service over all is good. The car is definately a success in India. You can see by the number of Santro owners across the country. A good 1st car to go in for. the hadling, breaking, steering, seating is all great. Not to forget thats its a low on maintainance car too. In this segment I personally see no real competetion to Santro. I had also considered Marutis Wagon R, but now I feel that I have taken the right decision. as Wagon R is not even comparable to santro. In this segment it clearly steals the show completely.Go for it. All the best.