Appy fizz drink available in pet bottles in two sizes and tetrapack definitely caters to all generations but is an all time favourite of todays youth who love apple juice but love the added fizz. Same is the case with my sixteen year old who always loved apple juice but cannot think of eating apple whether it keeps the doc away or not.
Ever since my son chanced upon this fizzy drink during one of his visit to a retail outlet, at evey shopping round this drink makes its way to our shopping basket for sure. Upon landing at home first thing to be removed from the lot is the Appy fizz bottled to be kept in the refrigerator for thorough chilling and sitting in front of TV, watching their favourite programme during commercial break best glasses available are filled with this fizz and slow sips are taken enjoying every drop of the golden fizzy liquid.
The pack quality is not bad as such but the tetrapacks are definitely not very attactive. I never though much of the bottle earlier, but the newly designed pet bottle caught my attention in the newly launched ad campaign in which the bottle is shown dancing and the fizz is coming from all corners. But the liquid packed in the bottle is definitely the reason for the purchase rather than the packaging.