They (Aptech) Say We Change Lives well in what way ? In Indias rotting economy and fairly good level of unemployment they come up with Lucrative Advertisements and make the young and unexperinced students start dreaming of sky or rather heaven .They (Aptech) make them (students) dream but then once they are CAUGHT in the Net..not even GOD is there to their rescue .Well think of a scenario APTECH say it will offer a B.Tech in Computer Science degree from Some U.K. university ..which is not recognised in india by AICTE ..then what is the meaning of such a degree in india ..and is it that they expect their students to work in U.K. and not in india ...well all these dreams at a huge PRICE which not everyone can afford ...Well their quality of education and training is good but there is no consistency in quality of FACULTY as they keep changing ..and hence it causes a nightmare for students ...think of a scenario that you enetred Aptech with so many promises and you come out with just one Certificate which nobody is going to look at because Employers would ask for engieering graduates having B.Tech or B.E. and the Aptechites (though they might have more computer expertize as compared to from any REC or say engg. Coll.) its likely to give frustration to the individual or the Aptechite. Aptech fails on Placement Aptechites can not afford to work for 6000/months ..they dream of 20000/month which remains a dream for most of them. Does it matter if very seleted ones get into Mirosoft or IBM while the mass Aptechites remain either unemployed or get very little as compared to the skill set they posses.