It is based on my own experince. My sister did a course at Aptech Vadaplani in chennai which was a three year course. In two year they only completed very little part of the curiculum.
Further to that the Franchise was closing down. So they rushed her to write exams at short notice and was never given any live project ( which they claimed they will give at the time of admission) and also placement assitance was not given.
Now even to get the certificates we have been chasing them for more than 15 days and they claim do not have any information on her results(as to weather she appread in exams or not). They are telling that the information can be got only from the previous Franchise owner who is not reachable till now.
When the officials were contacted they have been telling reasons like we have not got any information till now on this. We will let you know etc. But I have not got a strong commitement on them as to what action they will take to assure that she is not rejected of what they had promised her.
I am feeling that I have been cheated. We wasted 36000 Rs by investing it computer education at aptech. I would recomend that no one should ever join Aptech