Hello folks,
A computer institution has always been someones favourite or someones nightmare, but it is actually a blend of both until you carefully decide what you are up to.
Unless and until you know what kind of field to get into (there are n number of fields in computers), and then you know you can give in the extra effort, only then you look out to join the institution.
Else is you think that once you join a funky looking course at Aptech and they are going to place you in a top MNC, come down pal! Thats never going to happen.
I happened to join this institution accidentally and therefore my experience isnt that good. But if you are seriously looking in to a software career then this should do enough good to you. Just make sure that you dont jump onto conclusions. A few are
1) Avoid lumpsum fee.
2) Go for a smaller course and then upgrade if interested. Dont take up a long term course because of its fantasy promises.
3) Look into your strenghts and then join, if you are interested in multimedia kind of stuff, why rot your brain with C++?