Lot of us, join short term courses in Delhi as they told us to provide job assistance.I am 34 years old, I done MCA and mtech . So from aptron I got information that everything is okay, but after joining and wasted my 6 months there. I asked HR about job assistance, she told "where were you before, from so many years".I told her that Ms. Lovely told me age, and qualification is not a problem so just believed on her words and came to delhi.Before joining Aptron people called in so many times till I submitted FEE.Now I left the place they were able to provide job and also when asked Miss lovely about certificate, she just replied me to call her.
These all institutes actually making us fool, they even dont care how students are coming with hope of getting job there, and they just making money, even they didnt provide good course content.As we are new to course we dont know but they just touch the language and take a lot money from us.