Working in unmanly situations, I am forced to buy mineral water, AquaFina is one of the bottles that is stocked in our canteen. If I am asked whether one should drink it instead of Bisleri, Ganga or the other local brands answer would be as follows: take a look at my analysis.....
1.the seal: properly sealed, no risk of tampering unless punctured
the bottle: made of stiff plastic, doesnt get smashed easily, hence safe for carrying around.
The label: bold, so you can identify it from a distance.
The price: a little expensive as compared to the local brands and Bisleri. Just a rupee more...If that matters
the feel: it feels like ordinary water.
the taste: I found the taste a little odd as compared to other mineral water bottles. It has a kind of metallic taste when tasted at room temperature. However if had chilled, one may fail to notice the metallic taste.... It is this very fact that makes me change my mind about purchasing AquaFina if it is not chilled. I think the above short statement of mine would help the first time AquaFina drinker in choosing the right mineral water.