Our lead is Aquaman/Arthur Curry, a portrait of the superhero as bar-brawler. This sometime Justice Leaguer ( it’s barely mentioned) is larger than life and twice as fond of a beer. Arthur gives the impression Momoa just rolled out of bed, went surfing and drove from the beach straight to set, and the film’s all the better for his slightly hungover air. But instead we cut away to endless Atlantean politicking, with Patrick Wilson’s CGI-suited Orm floating around on a war-shark ( which is a thing? ) , working on his Julian Sands impression. Orm wants a war with humanity, so executes a false-flag submarine attack. That might lead another hero on a film-long quest to prove humanity’s innocence, but here it’s barely mentioned again; nor is a first-act tsunami felt around the world. There are bigger, er, fish to fry.