Good morning friends sorry that I was not writing any reviews from past few days. I was just busy. So once again sorry for that.
Yesterday I just watched Aquaman at PVR, Nagpur in 3D hindi. After watching it I was just so eagar to write about this movie so I got up early in the morning.
I am not going to tell u anything about the plot but I can tell you that the timeline of this story is just after justice league.
After the dark knigh movie which is the most successful movie of this franchise DC though of keeping its theme dark and most of the fans also liked that because its story used to be dark and had deep meaning. These idea could not grasp most of the audience and finally James wann came up with Aquaman.
I had already seen the extend 5 min teaser of Aquaman and I was excited to see the movie but when I watched it yesterday I was surprised to see a look of new DC change over by james wann and its marvelous.
Each and every scene in the movie is so beautifully visulaized by the director and you think that is the best scene and then the next scene comes along.
The beauty of Atlantis and the work done by VFX artist is superb. Jason mamoa acting is good and his one line punches are superb I mean you should watch this. This is not like other DC movies, its completely different. The imagination of director is so beautiful that you cannot miss a single minute. Though the story is weak in some parts but the VFX compensates that.
I dont know what marvel will show if it makes a movie on Neymar. Because james wann has nailed it.
Above all my personal opinion is that you should watch it once in 3d. and share my revies.