I used aramex in past when some e-retailers sent me items and more or less I thought they are average service as every time I had to make calls to get things delivered.They updated the tracking at 7/4/2014 11:46:00 AM that its "Out for Delivery".
I was waiting and cancelled my program of going out in the evening. When no one called till 4PM, I called their CC and the person assured that it will reach you by 6PM, dont worry. I asked the Local offices number and/or delivery boys number to which he told they dont have those information and cant give it to me.I wanted for 6PM and then tried to call CC with a response - our working hours bla bla upto 6PM. You are gone for the day with your promise:P
Other small couriers like Ecomm Express do the job better and in this time of communication who on earth will not have the number of branch or delivery person? No message, no communication and they have now updated ridiculously shifting all blames to me -
7/4/2014 8:47:00 PM - Attempted Delivery - Customer Not Available / Delivery Rescheduled
At least dont lie you big ignorant enterprise. I was available and waiting eagerly, if I had you branch number I would have picked up. and you say not available. Liars!You should not take packages which you do not want to deliver. Keep yourself to metros people will give you 5 stars. You are not for tier 2-3 cities which you are dreaming of.