Worst courier service ever! Why? Basically because its very likely that youll never see your product delivered. Not in this life anyway.
It happened to me with a must-I-say [very expensive] item(over US$500 worth). First of all, it seemed to take forever for the parcel to get to its destination(slow service) and when I stopped tracking the parcel and didnt receive it, I contacted customer service. they said that it was delivered which obviously it didnt because I never received it! The exchange which I had with customer service over the phone was informal, disagreeable and overall unprofessional.
The person seemed clueless, gave me false information and uncovered a serious disorganization issue within the company as a whole when you hang up the phone it makes you immediately think: no wonder they lose peoples belongings)
Someone else I know was expecting important(and again expensive) training material from Europe and they never received the documents either. Maybe they get paid to toss peoples stuff into the ocean? Who knows? We would have seen it all.
Bottom line:, why* willingly* use the service of an Arabic-American brand when you have a German alternative? That is the question. Especially when it comes to a service where organization and logistics skills are key. Seriously?