Aramex is too pathetic in their service. An Ebay seller couriered the product on 14th July from Mumbai as an "overnight parcell" (Thats what they call it ) for my wifes purchase .
From their Tracking solution, it is visible that it Reached at Bangalore on 15th Morning and Out for Delivery on 2.25 PM. It was Out for delivery on 16th As well on 1. 20 PM . and it is entered as "Attempted Delivery - Delivery Rescheduled for Next Business Day " .
But We never received any call from Aramex, when it is out for delivery. and we were present on the same address all the time. I called their Bangalore Customer service No. +91 (80) 33003300 on 17th . But no does not exist. I called up Mumbai Office on +91 (22) 33003300 and reported issue . But When I asked for the delivery immediately the lady who picked the call is disconnected the line. When I called then again and identified myself They again cut the line
Today Morning I called up their Mumbai office again and requested for immediate Delivery. They said they will forward a request. But when I am checking the Online Status , no update their on its staus.
It has been 4 Days since the Courier arrived at their Bangalore Office. But it is not delivered yet.
This clearly shows How unprofessional they are.
My Tracking URL is this