I am very sensitive to artificial fragrances and only went to an Aronne demonstration because they claimed to be free of chemical fragrances. I was OK early in the demonstration, but at some point one of their products set off an asthma attack and caused my sinuses to swell shut. At about this point, the hostess was going on about how their products had NO artificial fragrance.
Then I noticed the asterisk in the catalog that said, well, sometimes they do contain artificial fragrances, but the ingredients would say fragrance. I looked on the bottle: no ingredients. I ask the host: she "forgot" the ingredient list. She said the website would have it: it didnt. This false advertising really makes me doubt their other claims. The hostess also was blatantly wrong about some of the scientific claims that she made. Perhaps she didnt really understand the science, but Im wondering if she was given bad information. The whole demonstration made me question the quality of the products. Buyer beware.