Before continuing any further with my review, I wud like to pose a simple question to u. Here it goes:
Q) Can u stop using your cell phone, if at all you are using one, if somebody asks u to do so?
If your answer is NO, my life lies in the cell phone, then without even reading a word further, please carry on the noble work that u were doing.
And all others please continue.
Cigarette smoking/ alcohol consumption is injurious to health is a well known phrase. Unfortunately this phrase is visible only to non-smokers/drinkers. Thats the magic spell that addiction casts on a person. Cell phone usage is also injurious to health, say medicos and media. Much hype was given to this issue when cell phones were just launched in the market. Not many people wre using cell phones at that time; not because they wre too scared to use it, but because the tariff used to be exorbitant. The scenario is completely different now. Roti, kapda, makhan and mobile is the punch line now. If at all cell phone radiations caused all those kinds of damage, then, instead of growth, there would have been a decline in the number of users because most of them would have been promoted to the next world. However this is not true. Secondly, microwave radiations are all around, whether u are using a cell phone or not u are susceptible to its effects. As a matter of fact a cell phone generates micro waves only when u are talking, which is very small time.
So what are the facts.
The side effects of these radiations cannot be ruled out. But they are not as bad as they are projected to be. Atleast not fatal. However one damage that these cell phone radiations can cause is because of interference with some other equipment especially in hospitals. They can stop the life support systems from working altogether. So please do not carry ur cell phone where u are asked not to, especially in hospitals. Unknowingly, u may be responsible for causing a fatal damage.