Sure soda tastes good . It comes in many varieties and all kinds of sizes . But as the daughter of a dentist, I have to ask do you know what it does to your teeth?
I am a big pop drinker so I am just as guilty and is it good for you . no way!
As a test put an old tooth( one that you left for the tooth fairy) in a glass of soda and leave it overnight . Look at it the next morning . If you see nothing leave it in there for a few more days .
When you look at that tooth, you may have second thoughts about drinking so much .
Sure, gingerale is good for when your stomach is upset and soda is ok .in moderation .
But over all, the carbonation in soda can( I know first hand) destroy your stomach, rot your teeth and be generally a bad health risk.
Of course, like anything else . anything in moderation cant hurt you .
Bottom line, is it bad for you? Water is definitely better!