slang language is like dat..dats how my fingers jus hover around de keybord to punch de keys..
ol rite..
sorrie 4 de trouble :P
Well, Arihant plaza is a cellar shopping mall near coms street..
de guys inside have sum gud stuff 2 buy..but the preoblem is..their prices r a contrast...
quite xpensive I mean!
But u can all de latest kinda apparel!
its a small place thou!
--dang it--
its not takin dis review cos it is less dan 150 it les dan 150 words?
oh btw....never buy shoes and other cosmetics here cos it is all fake..
de things u can go in 4 here is dresses..and deos.and shades...dats de end of it!
de place is gud 4 shopin in de nite times..not recommended in e mornin or noon times jus aint worth it.