Ever wondered why an IIT student would want to sell Lassi outside the campus after classes? Its the sheer urge to do something on his own and in a different way. Why would engineering students leave highly paid jobs to develop software on their own and help doctors and patients?
Many of us wouldnt get to know about these young and enthusiastic entrepreneurs with killer instincts to make it big until we had read this book. Its a well written, well structured and beautifully easy book which will only inspire you to learn from the stories and do something of your own that you had been planning since long. Rashmi Bansal nails it with yet another great book on entrepreneurship. Would recommend to all young students.
Some books have the knack of an instant connect with you - this is one such book. Not to mention the fact of having known some of them through newspapers and then reading about it surely gives you a feeling of deja vu. It is worth mentioning here that the author surely has a knack of presenting such real life stories, she does it with such an ease that a reader is bound to connect with them instanteneously.
This is one book which I would like to recommend to one and all. especially my friends who are as excited as me to make a difference to the world but are wondering where to start from - for this book holds all the answers!