Our background : Wife and I went to watch a movie after a loooong time (like 6 months or so!). Last movie I remember seeing on the screen was Lagaan (and which was the other one we saw...?). Had read the newspaper review and knew the storyline. Saturday first show it was. We were looking forward to seeing AB, Anil bhai, Gracy and Preity.
The movie proceeds smoothly. All the characters are fairly well shaped.
AB: looks acceptable and believable as a senior doctor who wishes his hospital to do better. The dying scene was superbly enacted! Coming to nit-picking - can definitely do with a better wig, and would also wish that he moved his fingers while attempting to play the violin!
Anil Bhai and Gracy Singh: look their roles and have played them VERY well. Its nice that they have chosen a slightly senior looking duo, and they look believable as responsible professionals. Emotions have been portrayed very naturally. Almost nothing over-done (which is a rare thing, almost fantastic!)
Priety: her role is that of an absolutely spoilt, bitchy only-child of a tycoon. And that has been portrayed well. It may look like overacting, but read the first line - absolutely spoilt, bitchy .... and it would ofcourse look like overacting to us normals :-)
Support cast: good
Background music: VERY good! Innovatively they have incorporated sounds of operation theater and Intensive Care gadgets into the background music whenever there is a tense hospital situation.
Cinematography: Beautiful !
Overall storyline: nothing ground breaking, but nevertheless very well managed. No sudden hiccoughs/jarring.
Yes it is predictable, but it still makes you wish to see how these guys have done it. Didnt feel like I watched a 17 reels movie. Didnt need Disprin after it.
Err....Ummm.... : maybe they should have put some tube into Prietys mouth (to make it look like an endo-tracheal tube) when she was being operated! Yes, some of the hospital related stuff definitely needs more researching. But quite passable by a non-medico.
Final Remarks: Have told my parents to go and watch it tomorrow! Thats really something... they havent watched a movie since...
Addendum: my parents watched it this evening (they agreed). And they have like it too! They quite approved most of the things and felt few small alterations could be made. Like, my dad felt few plots within the movie could have been given more weightage... but overall they were pleased. And welcomed the outing.