Manorama Arogyams printing quality is good and it looks good in almost all issues. But when it comes to content quality it does not come anywhere near Mathrubhumis Arogyamasika. Almost all the articles are in typical Manorama style. Authenticity and credibility of the articles are doubtable. There is a column by Dr. CR Soman on nutition in Manorama Arogyam. When compared to the articles on nutrition published in Mathrubhumis arogyamasika, Dr. Somans articles are really trash. Same is the quality of other articles.
Moreover, a tendency to imitate Mathrubhumis Arogyamasika is seen. Whatever Mathrubhumi does will be copied by Manorma in the very next issue. Then, some of the articles look like advertisements and it seems that they are published merely to give publicity to doctors. Credibillity of many of the doctors writing in Manoramas Arogyam is doubtable.
Mangalam group too publish a health magazine, called Arogya Mangalam. It is better than Manorama. Both Manorama and Mangalam imitate Mathrubhumi, but Mangalam does it in a far far better way than Manorama. Among health magazines, Mathrubhumis Arogyamasika has a very clear edge over all other family health magazines. No doubt in that.