There was a group of 20 gilrs and boys all were of the age 8 to 12. not one of them seemed excited throughout the movie and towards the end were all chatting amongst themselves about life in general. and none of us stopped them as At least this writer found their chatter more interesting.......the movie took backseat after the five minutes. even I was more interested in the popcorn and icecream they were being treated to.
Jackie Chan was good in rush hour, but now I wonder if that was because of the talented black dude. I dont remember the name of the english scientist, anyways the guy did some very good acting, .....but I did not go to see that movie for talented acting. the plot is really flimsy. theres no shooting of them travelling. barring a few shots lasting a few seconds the entire movie is shot on sets. really this movie is no travelogue. kids I suggest you stick to the book. it will be money well spent and is far more exciting. the humour was bland and not funny.
hey there is a very good part to the movie, about 20 minutes of good solid martial art fights in a chinese village which we all enjoyed. id love to see that once again. the last fight(like all jackies movies) was so repeated in every movie I have watched all my life, even I an ignoramaus when it comes to fight sequences would have told anyone listening whats coming next.
well if you WANT to take your chidren out for a movie then really you have no choice as this is one squeaky clean movie.