I was told their quality was deteriorating but had a taste of it when we ordered from them 2 days back. We ordered for a Khau Swe and Crispy babycorn for the two of us. Although we didnt realize anything while eating, the next day morning was terrible. Both of us had that bloated feeling, vomiting and severe stomach ache.
My wife is still not well and had to be taken to the Dr where he suspected food poisoning. I have not been able to go to work either. What worse, when I called up to tell them, they couldnt care less about it. They gave me sermons on their quality of food and that they use only Olive oil(hah). As expected from an irresponsible restaurant, they are just not ready to accept that there could be anything wrong with their food. This is the worst experience Ive had in my life from a restaurant food and to think of it, Aroy is supposed to be one of the better ones.
I am aghast at the managements lack of sensitivity and such an arrogant, unapologetic attitude.