Arrow is about Oliver Queen who is a billionaire and who lost his dad in a shipwreck and stuck in an island where he trains and learns different techniques and finally return to Starling City to defend itself from the evils.
For beginners I just wanna tell you that if you wanna watch the series and feel that how great it was then start watching it from Season 4 and then go down to Season 1.
I am damn serious about what I am telling you if you do that then you will feel the greatness the show held in its very first season.The shows become less interesting as it proceeds so I request anyone who is new watch from S4 to S1.The same logic applies to Flash too as it is becoming more predictable day by day.
The best thing about this show is the action and story telling capabilities in the first season and the second season.The quality of the show degrades as the season proceeds. Dont wanna give any spoilers. I request you to watch it from S4-1 please.