It’s about 5 years to our marriage and started trying for conception for past 2 years, after failing to get any result we planned to consult Dr. Veena Bhat, after all the tests and examination she termed our infertility - UNEXPLAINED and started the treatment for IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination) with Letrose and HCG shots.
Even when she started the treatment, I asked her a simple question that my wife is has 3 to 4 good follicles and ovulates fine on 12 or 13 day & my sperm count is at 170 mill then why is Letrose and HCG necessary? She replied, we are trying to increase the chances for the egg and the sperm to meet.
(Little did I know that they are trying to put a reason or explanation by inducing PCOs (Poly Cystic Ovirionic) & Endometriosis to my wife making her permanently infertile and kill all our hopes). With letrose going into her blood stream she started forming Follicular Cysts that were rupturing at 32mm causing tremendous pain.
The Dr. along with her assistant Dr. Asha Sharma tried IUI that too by hurting my wifes cervix so much so that she bleed for 1 complete day after each IUI, which is very unusual (Thank God, she did not catch any infection).
All you good people, who are trying to have a baby like me and my wife, please do not go to quacks like Dr. Veena Bhat and Dr. Asha Sherma. Always insist on a fully qualified fertility specialist.
Few Quacks that we came across are - Dr. Kaberi Banerjee, Dr. Veena Bhat, Dr. Asha Sharma.
Artemis also has a very bad female Ultrasound technician Aditi Jain (Stay away from her) she even could not see using that ultrasound probe a rupturing egg and even a follicular cyst. She has loads of attitude and behaves very arrogantly; I think complacence could be one issue complimenting her inexperience and incapability!
I wasted about Rs.50, 000 of my hard earned money out of their sheer callousness and not actual treatment and any favorable results, finally we are back to square one that too with increased emotional depression of my wife that I have to handle now.