This is utter waste option if anyone could opt for artha service. There is no word to compare this poor service. Any emergency if we call , the receiptionist is so unprofessional to answer the calls. The representative will be behind us like(dont want to mention) but when we opt for this service, this fellow will abscond and we need to have a nightmare having our service avail form them.
The people are very very rude at customers, I will be last person to recomend to anyone this option. If at all we get an appointment in some hospital , we will be treated so badly if spite of artha fixes us prior appointment , This is because artha do not pay them well and they show inturn their frustration towards us.
One worst part is we will not have hospital/clinics nearby by our location but we will have the opposite direction and artha will fix with odd times. So whatever voucher I got from artha health option it just lying here. I need to go to consumerist forum the way we have been cheated by them.