The film Article 15 is directed by Anubhab Sinha who gave us brilliant films like Mulk. This film is going to be another milestone for indian cinema as it questions us for our cheap mentality. The film is based on the current situation of our life and it is very much relatable. In this film Ayushman Khurana is playing the lead role, who is famous for his meaningful movies. Their is always a hidden lesson in his film and Article 15 is not an exception of it. Article 15 movie talks about the people of our country. Their is full freedom to everyone one of our country to live with anyone they wish to. Nowadays Constitution of our country is not obeyed and it is 100% true and this film tells us about the truth of the Constitution. This film teaches us humanity and disrespect people who discriminate people according to their caste, religion, race etc. Article 15 also says that people who does discrimination on any basis are criminals by the Constitution and it is totally offensive. According yo this film we have total right to live our own life on our own way.
In this film two girls are raped only because they are dalit and of low caste. They are being raped by the people from high caste. This problem is not sorted by the dishonest police officers and then their is the entry of Aysushman Khurana who is a honest police officer in this film. For his honesty obviously he his not liked by the corrupted police officers and ministers and for this reason he has to face obstacles and problems in his life. But he doesn't loses , his only aim in life is to reach to the truth.
The main attraction of this film is the acting of Ayushman Khurana and his co-actors . Its just mind-blowing to see them. The storyline of this film is alst just awesome. The dialogues of this film will surely touch your heart if you are a true Indian.Its my earnest request yo everyone please go in the theaters and watch this patriotic and meaningful movie.This type of movies are very nowadays.