I shifted my stuff from Bangalore to Chennai.The person came on time and though was very courteous, he was not too much concerned about putting the stuff in boxes(for example utensils into a box, was just throwing it not concerned whether it is breakable or not). Anyway since I was having an eye on him, he was ok. He didnt know how to disassemble my LCD tv though.Finally I had to do it myself.Well thats okay I guess. One cant know everything.
Charges were discussed earlier including tax+ insurance+ loading/unloading+packing+transport but he asked for some 300 extra which I gave.It was transported with one day delay.
Whats surprising to me is that, there are so many reviews that are paid here from the way that are written, I can tell.It starts with "My name is xx or Im xxx etc and so many other things are similar."
I noticed this only after shifting.
I came to the conclusion that every movers and packers will try to fleece customers by not informing about tax and insurance and loading/unloading charges before hand.Insurance is a complete joke. u put 0 value for insurance. As for tax, these bills are fake.they will never show the Govt their earnings for tax. so it shud ideally be 0. everyone knows it!
The boys who come to shift are not so literate and will try to do things as fast as they can. Not much concerned about the safety in the end of the day its based on luck whether u get goods on time and are whether they re delivered safely or not.