Arzoo is the brainchild of Sabeer Bhatia! Now, for a netizen this info in more an enough to visual what would be in store! When its Sabeer, its always a great work in place. (Sabeer Bhatia is the co-founder and former CEO of the hugely successful Hotmail Corporation)
Arzoo Hearts Desire is no exception. Its is the first global network of experts and tech professionals. The site says, ....the first global network for real-time technology solutions and support. Boasting visionary management, innovative technology, and a truly unique service concept, Arzoo today - like Hotmail before it - stands poised for industry leadership and unlimited market growth.
Arzoo has 2 arms -Corporate Clients & Arzoo Technical Experts. Corporate Clients are those how ask post queries and Arzoo Technical Experts make a bid to these queries. Among the bids made by the Arzoo Technical Experts, the bids which satisfies the client is accepted and the bid money is creditted to the experts account. The Arzoo Manager coordinates the process. When I say A Bid, it means the solution suggested by the expert with his bid money.
My Arzoo is the center of all your activities on the site. Visit it often to track your questions and incoming answers (if you are a Client), or to track your bids, monitor your earnings, and update your Public Profile (if you are an Arzoo Technical Expert).
Arzoo Surfboard allows you to chat live with other users to ask or answer questions in real-time, even when youre away from the Arzoo web site. The Arzoo Surfboard also offers instant notification whenever your bids are accepted, or a new answer becomes available to you.
Arzoo Managers are the Arzoo employees who manage the bidding process and the flow of questions and answers on the Arzoo service. They review the accuracy and precision of all incoming answers before sending them along to our Clients, and generally work to maintain the high quality service that our Clients expect.
For any person with experiece and skills, Arzoo is the right place to be!